Do you have a few potholes or divots taking up prime real estate on your parking lot? Have you heard customer complaints about the parking lot potholes on your property? If so, then you need to invest in parking lot maintenance services right away to fix them.
Parking lot repairs can be a lifesaver for your company. If left unfixed, those potholes can harm your company’s brand, the safety of your workplace, and even lead to legal battles.
See below for a guide that lists all of the ways that potholes in your parking lot can impact your business and why concrete parking lot repair is essential.
1. They Increase the Likelihood of an Accident
At first glance, you might think that potholes are harmless. If you take a stroll around your parking lot and find a tiny divot or small pothole on it that’s slimmer than the width of a car wheel, you might be tempted to shrug it off and pay it no mind.
First off, car accidents aren’t the only concern. Even the smallest pothole can cause a valued client to twist their ankle or your top employee to trip when their heel catches on the uneven surface.
If your worker is injured on your property, it can qualify them for workers’ compensation. If a prospect or client is injured from a pothole, they can sue you for negligence. They’ll claim that you were aware of the pothole and chose not to hire parking lot repair to fix it, thus leading to their injury.
Truth is, most employers aren’t aware of potholes in the first place. If there’s a separate area for staff parking, you might not see the worsening potholes on the side of the lot where your customers’ park.
Be sure to find parking lot repair companies that you can trust. We here at Pro Property Services can offer pothole repair, parking lot sweeping, line painting, barrier repair, and the like.
2. Potholes Affect Your Brand
Put yourself in the shoes of your customer for a second. You’ve scheduled an appointment with a company and are on your way to meet with one of their reps.
Then, when you go to pull in the parking lot, you hit a huge pothole that brushes the bumper or frame of your new car. What would be your immediate perception of that company’s brand? That pothole put them in the wrong state of mind heading into your meeting.
Worse yet, what if that was that customer’s first impression of your business? Do you think they’ll take the time to walk in the door after that experience?
Companies these days spend a lot of time and effort on strengthening their brand, as they should. They invest in digital marketing, TV advertisements, community outreach, public relations, and the like.
But what they don’t realize is that all that hard work can be undone by the look of your commercial property’s exterior. A decrepit parking lot with potholes, fading lines, and poor signage isn’t the look you’re going for. Hire parking lot maintenance companies to right the ship.
3. You’ll Lose Business
Think this is an exaggeration? Let’s go back to the previous example for a moment. If a customer hits a pothole in your parking lot and damages your car before meeting with you, how conducive do you think that meeting will be?
Customers have more options than ever before. If they even have one unpleasant experience with your company, they’ll jump ship and invest in your competition instead.
Proactive companies will think “I should hire parking lot maintenance services near me!” and ensure their parking lot is spick and span.
Not only will you lose business, but potholes in your parking lot can sabotage the future of your company.
The commercial property owner (you) is legally responsible for ensuring safe conditions for both drivers and civilians. If an accident occurs on your property, it can lead to someone suing you for thousands of dollars, of which your company may never financially recover.
4. Hurts Your Staff’s Pride
Believe it or not, pride plays a huge factor in the production of your staff. Workers want to take pride in the company that they work for.
If you’re constantly making improvements to the parking lot and other areas to enhance their safety, they’ll take notice. They’ll be more efficient in their job, knowing that you’ve got their back.
A parking lot with potholes will have the opposite effect. In time, the poor aesthetic of your commercial property will cause them to jump ship and work elsewhere.
5. Damages Your Curb Appeal
Would you go shopping for a new car at a dealership that has potholes on the lot? Would you think a hospital has your best interests in mind if their parking lot has dangerous potholes that can cause a trip to the emergency room?
Curb appeal plays a huge role in your business. If your company relies on in-person business, then you need to ensure that the exterior is looking luxurious and safe at all times.
When someone pulls up to a parking lot with smooth concrete and defined lines around the parking spaces, it subliminally tells them that your property is of top quality!
Fill Those Parking Lot Potholes Today
Now that you have seen all of the different ways that parking lot potholes can sabotage your company’s growth, be sure to have them filled right away.
Landscaping is important too! Be sure to read this article for information on all the things you need to know regarding lawn maintenance services.
For more inquiries, please be sure to reach out via our contact us page and we will be happy to assist you further.